Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sex Changes To Be Paid For By Taxpayers

This politically correct country has gone crazy. The wacky city of Berkeley, California is now contemplating the idea of paying for their employees to have SEX-CHANGE OPERATIONS! I am disgusted with the idea that any person would want to go through such a procedure. Even more appalling is the idea that a city would actually condone such an act and pay for it!

Berkeley faces $252.8 million in deficits for pensions, disability and worker's comp. Instead of putting money into a budget to fill pot holes or improve the city they are considering the idea of putting $20,000 in a yearly fund to pay for Sex Reassignment Surgery. Sex Change Surgery can cost as much as $50,000.
Some companies have insurance policies that cover Trans-gender Care, the city's healtcare provider does not offer coverage for this.

Of course there are stipulations to be awarded this benefit:
  • It is a first come first serve basis. 
  • An employee would have to have worked for the city in their desired gender and never switched back to their God Given Gender for one year. 
  • They have to receive continuous hormonal therapy treatment for the same period.
The grotesque proposal scheduled to be voted on Jan. 18th was pulled from the agenda pending further investigation. The vote is rescheduled for Feb. 15th. Berkeley, with three quarters of the voters registered as Democrats, has long been known for some of its wacky laws and the traditions of progressive politics has included a ban on nuclear weapons and a law forbidding the declawing of cats.

The city has nine benefit categories funded at only 77%, and yet they think they should forgo the benefits for employee pensions, etc. and just give some freak $20,000 to change their sex!

My personal opinion is that the choice to change your sex is immoral, very degrading and should not be placed on the tax payers of any city or state to fund. This should be the responsibility of individual persons to fund. A sex change operation is an elective surgery and should not be the burden of taxpayers or added to the cost of holders of insurance policies.
I personally believe in natural and holistic health care for myself. Most insurance companies will not cover the cost of homeopathic care or treatments. What the hell is this country coming to when an insurance company will cover something that is not a physical or natural disorder?

San Francisco has for a long time given their employees Trans-gender Care, the premiums of all employees has risen just because of this coverage. Many years ago all women had to have maternity even if they have had a hysterectomy and could not get pregnant. I do not see the logic in any of this.

This makes me mad to think that for a handful of people I will be forced to pay for something I do not believe in. Do you think city's and state's should pay for such things as this? If I lived in Berkley and discovered my tax money was going to pay for this kind of surgery I would be raising all kinds of hell and more than likely move.

Tea Party Deanie


  1. I too am repulsed at the idea of a person having a sex change operation. It isn't medical attention but mental help they need. This crazy country has got to put a stop to their wasteful spending on all levels. I don't believe a city should give money to individuals who have a sexual preference disorder. There are far more vital and necessary things for a city, state or government to spend money on.

  2. California is such a crazy state anyway I can picture them passing a law like that. They sit there crying because they're broke and so far in debt and it's reasons like this they're in that mess. I say let them stay broke, don't help them and hope that the San Andreas Fault takes its toll.

  3. I have the solution to the problem; send them to me I'll cut it off for free or plug it. Let California blow their money on the little Tinkerbelles. They're all a bunch of nuts anyway.

  4. I would definitely move out of the state if I thought my money was going for such nonsense. The solution to the problem could be to send all the nuts like that to Calif. and build a fence around it. If that doesn't work then let's back up R Bill.

  5. The truth of the matter is, people are born and later in years change their mind on different issues. I think this says a lot for the town of Berkeley. At least they work for the difference in people. If more people that are so one sided could learn to look at people in their true form our country would be better off.

  6. Jay, why the heck should straight people have to pay for such nonsense? I think Berkeley is out of their mind. As far as looking at people in their true form, I think you're missing the point. If God made you a certain sex, why should you want to change it?

  7. I can't imagine any town would put money into a project such as this one. Only in California could something like this happen.
    Maybe what they should have done is just allow them to cross-dress, look at all the money it would save. LOL

  8. I normally don't comment but I enjoy your web and blogs. I go along with Rebel Bill on his solution to the problem.

  9. Mad Sally's RoommateJanuary 23, 2011 at 5:33 PM

    In no way can I comprehend wanting to be a different sex but I would like to ask a dumb question. If a woman has a sex change to a male would we get jock itch and have to be scratching all the time? In my opinion that would be disgusting.

  10. I guess now that we have Obamacare all kinds of ridiculous things will be covered. They want to change insurance companies and it looks like in the case of SF they already have.
    In answer to Sally's Roommate just put some baby powder down there, that way you don't scratch all the time. lol

  11. California is so far from the rest of the world in mentality that I say let 'em go with it. Their state is in such economic depression that they'll probably go bankrupt. In my opinion let 'em go down, I don't think the rest of the country cares.

  12. Sex Reassignment????? WTF! Have we all gone crazy? I never heard of such nonsense! The whole idea of changing ones sex is absurd. Sure you can have cosmetic surgery etc. to change your appearance but you will still be the same person you were born as. SICK...SICK...SICK

  13. anyone in my day and time who openly tried to do something like this would have been beat half to death. The world's changing too fast for this old man. what we need is more people that are concerned about taking this country forward and not have having a stupid sex change. The more i think about it themore it makes me sick.

  14. I still like don't ask don't tell. Why the heck should taxpayers pay for all this kind of shit? Years ago we had no idea many people were gay or lesbians, now they flaunt it. I prefer not to know that some guy prefers another guy and not a girl. It is sick and makes my stomach churn.

  15. I have to agree with Archie, although I think he said it in a crude way. I would also prefer not knowing. Is there any way in the world we can get rid of Calif and go back to 49 states, our country would be much better off? LOL

  16. I wonder just when foolish spending will end. I don't want my tax dollars going support sex change operations. Those people need help, but not an operation.

  17. The city of Berkeley is so far to the left. I can believe they will pass this. I had the misfortune of living in that are for a year and people around there do think socialism is the way to go. As a former Dem, those wackos were too far to the left for even me!

  18. If a person desires to change their sex for whatever reasons, that is their choice and theirs' alone. It is not up to the taxpayers to pay for surgery of this nature. That is their responsibility.
    I doubt if there are too many doctors and medical facilities who perform this kind of surgery. I know if I were a surgeon, I couldn't do it. It goes against all that I believe in.

  19. For those who may not know, the "sex reassignment" capital otherwise know as the "sex change" capital of the United States is located in the Rocky Mountain small town of Trinidad, Colorado.

  20. Maybe they will call it "Planned Homohood".

  21. Texan, why don't you think people have the right to live in the way they feel? I have heard you discuss many times with RR and you seem to be on his side. if our country is to join the rest of the world we must be able to accept different views. I think you are out of place in your statement and probably so over the hill you need to be in a resthome.

  22. Ha! great politically correct terminology 1Tea-edTexan. Planned Homohood!!

    Swinging Jay, Why should we join the rest of the world? If we do we will be heading for World Dominance and the Muslims will be enforcing Sharia Law on us.

  23. Gosh, I don't think I'll be going anywhere near Trinidad, Col. Thanks for the info 1Tead-edTexan!

    This country is changing and I really don't like it. The meaning of marriage has been lost.

    I'm glad I'm not playing the dating game, it would be my luck that I would fall for someone who used to be a man! LOL

  24. I don't think our government or insurance companies should be sponsoring sex change operations. By doing so they are condoning the actions of the most un-natural sort.


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