Was Sestak being offered a bribe from White House personnel?
"They tried to bribe me out of the race by offering me a job." Repeatedly Sestak has said "I'm not lying."
If Sestak is not lying, then someone in the The Big "O" Administration is in deep shit!
Dick Morris appeared on the Sean Hannity show May 25 and had the following to say:
"Obviously, the offer of a significant job in the White House could not be made unless it was by Rahm Emanuel or cleared with Rahm Emanuel," he said. If the job offer was high enough that it also had Obama's apppoval, "that is a high crime and misdemeanor."
Hannity asked him if was an impeachable offense, Morris replied "Absolutely."
Karl Rove on Greta Van Susteran's "On the Record" show revealed the some of the laws regarding this.
"Look, that's a violation of the federal code: 18 USC 600 says that a federal official cannot promise employment, a job in the federal government, in return for a political act.
"Somebody violated the law. If Sestak is telling the truth, somebody violated the law," Rove said. "Section 18 USC 211 says you cannot accept anything of value in return for hiring somebody. Well, arguably, providing a clear path to the nomination for a fellow Democrat is something of value.
He continued, citing a third law passage: "18 USC 595, which prohibits a federal official from interfering with the nomination or election for office. ... 'If you'll get out, we'll appoint you to a federal office,' – that's a violation of the law."
Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary said White House Lawyers have looked into the matter and fount nothing inappropriate.
"I've said all I'm going to say on the matter. … Others need to explain whatever their role might be," Sestak said on CNN this week. "I have a personal accountability; I should have for my role in the matter, which I talked about. Beyond that, I'll let others talk about their role."
According to Politico, the Justice Department has rejected a request from Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., for a special counsel to investigate and reveal the truth of the controversy. Issa told Politico "The attorney general's refusal to take action in the face of such felonious allegations undermines any claim to transparency and integrity that this administration asserts."
Of Sestak, Issa said "Joe Sestak has a moral imperative to come forward and expose who within the Obama Administration tried to bribe him."
We should all contact our Representatives and Senators insisting on a full investigation into this. Ha, maybe this will be something Obama can't get out of. Let's put more pressure on Rep. Joe Sestak to reveal more of the incident. It is understandable Sestak doesn't want to upset his position with Democrats and the White House, especially with elections coming up in November. Morally he is obligated to expose all the details for the best interest of this country. I believe Sestak was offered a bribe from the White House, We The People want to know the truth. Who is behind this bribe? Did Obama Know About It? Someone needs to be prosecuted for their actions. ..mmm impeach Obama? That's definitely not out of the question.
Let's get to the bottom of this and let the guilty one suffer the consequences no matter who he or she is!