Wednesday, June 20, 2012

DOJ - It's NOT Terrorism

"I don't think it was murder. Because murder is when a person kills another person without justified reason....and what I did is Islamic justified, and also justified by common sense, you know. U.S. soldiers are killing innocent Muslim men and women, and we believe that we have to strike back."  

These are the chilling words spoken by American-Made Terrorist Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad - born Carlos Bledsoe - after the June 1, 2009 fatal shooting of Private William Long. The Little Rock, Arkansas drive by shooting also wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula as they walked out of the recruiting office.

This was an act Radical Islam Terrorism on United States soil. Just as the Fort Hood shootings were. Both shooters openly claim their devotion to Allah and Jihad against American Military and citizens! Neither assassination is considered to be an act of terrorism by our incompetent Department Of Justice! Eric holder refuses to acknowledge the killing of Carlos as Radical Islam. 

Carlos Bledsoe was fortunately captured and sent to prison for life with NO Parole before he could fulfill his mission of targeting Jewish organizations, a child care center, a post office and recruitment centers in other states.

The young man raised as a Baptist in Memphis, Tn. attended college in Nashville where he fell into the clutches of Radical Muslims. He soon left the US to make the journey to Yemen, supposedly to teach English. He instead received extensive training in Jihad and the Radical Muslim beliefs. He was on his way to Somali to train for self-destruction as a suicide bomber when he was deported back to the US. He planned massive deaths to soldiers upon his return to America.

Melvin Bledsoe (father of Carlos) and Daris Long (father of slain William Long) have united to inform the world of the dangers of Islamic Radicalization in the US. Most of their efforts are falling on deaf ears. Bledsoe has even shared his concerns with Republican Congressman Peter King's hearing on the radicalization of American Muslims for the Homeland Security Committee. Surprisingly his testimony and warnings were ignored. Maybe surprising isn't the proper word when we refer to the Obama Administration and the other unconcerned people running this country.

The families of two young men of different cultures and beliefs have united together in their plight to stop the radicalization of American Muslims.
They have a documentary out that should be viewed by everyone. People must wake up and see the threat the Radical Muslims are to America. I encourage everyone to purchase the documentary with family and friends. This needs to go viral before the radicalization of more Americans occurs and completely destroys our country. You can get the documentary at Losing Our Sons.

Sadly enough the Fort Hood and Little Rock shootings are not being considered acts of terrorism! Not one of the killed or injured soldiers will receive the purple heart or receive any military honors for wearing the uniform of a branch of the United States Military!
I encourage you to join Daris Long by signing his petition to see that his son and Private Quinton Ezeagwula receive the Purple Heart. Hopefully in the future both young men and all the victims of Fort Hood will receive the honors they deserve for wanting to defend our country! This appalling injustice wrong must be righted or their loss will be for naught!

What a sin, it takes a black father and a white father to unite in a major effort to warn and educate the people of America of the dangers of Radical Islam! Our own government turns their heads and deny any problems within the Muslim community living in America. The problem is real and here to stay if we continue to ignore it! For any disbelievers that there is a Radical Muslim problem in America just watch the documentary at

These were definitely acts of terrorism on US soil which occurred under Obama's watch! I feel certain that is the reason for all the cover-up on the part of the DOJ and Military. Obama wasn't going to sign the defense bill because it stated the Little Rock victims would receive a Purple Heart. The government seems to turn a blind eye when it comes to exposing the truth.

Let me know your feelings...Were these attacks the result of Radical Islam Terrorists?

Tea Party Deanie