Friday, October 14, 2011

A Nation Of Mooching Takers

Unemployment appears to be rising despite Obama's agenda to lower the rate. He is wasting money on worthless stimulus plans that only benefit him and his cronies. Once again he wants to extend unemployment benefits, much to cost of the States.

Many people are receiving benefits who do not deserve them! People sell their Food Stamps in order to purchase drugs, cigarettes, booze etc. Go down to the local FS or Welfare office and see how many people drive better vehicles than you do. The so called entitlements are not being distributed properly.

The system is Broken and needs to be fixed. Gov makes it too easy for people to fall into the Socialistic trap that Big Gov will take care of them.
People have listened to Obama say "Spread The Wealth" for so long, they believe that is the only direction to take. Look at the so-called protesters that started at Occupy Wall Street and has spread across the Nation and now the world - 98% of those representing the 99% of the Country don't even know what the Hell they are doing there. All they know that the big companies and the rich should give them what they want - not what they have earned or are entitled to.

Governor Rick Scott (Fl-R) is doing something to change the welfare benefit system in Florida. Last May he passed a law that Welfare Recipients must undergo drug testing.
In a statement at the unveiling of Floridas State Agenda for 2012 he said: “Rather than continue to simply pay out benefits for those out of work, Florida must focus its efforts on ensuring that it can offer the most able workforce in the nation.”

Reforming Florida’s unemployment system to create a reemployment system 
  • Proactively work with job seekers to analyze skills.
  • Require mandatory job training for under-skilled job seekers collecting unemployment.
  • Help the unemployed receive the training needed for career advancement, increased productivity and economic prosperity
A key Initiative of Gov. Scott's will be:
Continue to eliminate over 1,000 state rules and regulations that stifle business growth and job creation.

I am a strong advocate that welfare recipients should have to give something back to the system to be entitled to their benefits. Many years ago a small town where the crime rate was extremely high used to have welfare recipients clean up the streets and parks before they could receive their benefits. That was the only time the town was not trashed! A person can apply for benefits over the phone and in most cases never even be screened in person for anything!

I think drug tests should be mandatory for ANYONE receiving benefits of ANY kind. 
If they are drawing unemployment or any benefits they should have to provide proof that they have actively been searching for work. 
They should have to become involved in state or private programs that will enable them to become part of the work force of this Country. 
Any unemployed person receiving benefits should be required to do a minimum of a weeks worth of Community Service in the County they receive benefits in.

I am a firm believer that Big Government has turned people into takers and they have no desire to go out and get a real job. These takers just don't care who works to pay their bills all they know is their 'entitlement' checks will be there. Oh heavens, you should hear them cry when their benefits get cut, they are being abused by the system! I believe that if more states and the feds would make it a little harder for them to receive their so called entitlements we will see a decrease in money being given to the moochers!

"I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35 (King James)

I believe we should give and the recipients should also give or we will become a Nation of Takers, the Government and those working will be the only Givers. In order to receive you must prove yourself worthy of the gifts bestowed upon you.
