Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid continue to dump their garbage on us even while the majorty is saying no, we don't want it.
It is time they look up the meaning of transparency and honesty. Obama proclaims transparency, then tells the Republicans they can't attend a White House meeting pertaining to issues of Health Care Reform. The White House is threatening Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) with taking an Air Force Command center out of his state if he does not vote for health care.
Members of Congresss are being bought off in order for Obama to say he achieved anything this year.
It is time to stand up and say quit trying to shove down our throat what we don't want. WE WILL VOTE YOU OUT!
Prostitutes can be bought throughout our Country. It is time to take them out of politics and put them back on the street with the rest of their kind.
Don't transform our Country or share the wealth. Get off your do nothing butt-- and do something for this Country.
I guess because of Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and every Congress person who votes to pass socialized health care we will see the beginning to the end of Freedom.
Americans are saying "You can no longer blame it on Big Mac, Senators and Congressmen are having a Pork Attack."