Tuesday, December 13, 2011

US And Mexican Government Working Together To Open Un-Manned Port of Entry!

The tiny village of Boquillas del Carmen population has declined by 42% from 2000 to 2010 leaving a mere 100 citizens. The village with no electricity lies just across the Rio Grande from Big Bend National Park in Texas. Once an open gateway for villagers to enter the park and purchase supplies at a campground store located in Big Bend. US tourists used to wade across the Rio Grande and purchase trinkets from the villagers. After 9-11 the crossing was closed.

Mexican and US government want to position a kiosk within Big Bend that will allow Boquillas citizens to swipe their ID cards, speak to a customs officer in Presidio a distant port of entry. Then will be allowed to enter the United States via Big Bend.

Officials on both sides think the so called honor system will be a good thing for both Countries! I am appalled U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) would even consider this a good idea.

If this open border kiosk scheme goes through the CBP will have 8 agents living in the park to assist Big Bends 23 law enforcement rangers.

So now National Park Rangers will become Border Patrol Agents. We will more than likely be footing the bill to house the 8 Federal Agents.

At a time when our borders are broken and we do nothing to stop the flow of illegals and drug smugglers into the USA our crownie law-makers are giving everyone a free pass into our country! Officials on both sides seem to think the remoteness of the tiny village and the Big Bend will discourage illegals and cartels from crossing there.

There are many remote areas along the border that illegals risk their life to cross the Rio Grande and enter our Country. Officials know where they are but seem to be unable to stop the traffic there. What makes them think they will not enter a port of entry with no one around to check for illegal contraband or proper papers? Illegals go to extremes as it is to enter our Country, they are not beyond killing local Mexicans as well as US citizens. Great thinking let's just let them legally walk across and ask no questions.

I almost forgot we will be doing this to save the plight of 100 Mexicans choosing to live in a remote area of Mexico, where they have NO electricity, NO businesses and NO supplies within hundreds of miles. If the villagers are so anxious to have access to US commerce, why not just pay to relocate them to an area where there is a manned port of entry where they can live in a border town that has more to offer.
In the long run it would be cheaper and safer for the security of this Country.

Let me know your opinion on this - Does this sound like a good idea?