Friday, July 9, 2010

Az Lawsuit - Another Ploy For Minority Votes?

From day one, the Obama administration has been refuting the wishes of the majority of Americans. I won't go into all the details since we all know what they are.
Arizona's SB 1070 has been under fire since it's conception, by this administration, the ACLU, states, cities and various organizations. Obama has claimed this bill as misguided and irresponsible. Despite frantic calls from Az. Governor Jan Brewer, he has shown his irresponsibility by refusing to meet with her. He finally granted her a few minutes of his precious time last month, I am sure as a result of pressure from the media.

From the day he was sworn into office as the President of the United States, he has shown partiality towards the Hispanic and minority communities. He has promised the Illegal Aliens (the majority of whom are Hispanic) complete amnesty. Which he has yet to fulfill.

He started a racial problem with a college professor (whom he knew) and a law officer, which resulted in a solve-nothing "Beer Summit." As if that was going to stop, what he interfered in, to begin the aspect of racial profiling.

As time goes on it is obvious this man disrespects the United States of America. I wonder why he just doesn't resign and go ruin someone else's country.

After his refusal to send assistance to the border states, Arizona decided to uphold the Constitution of The United states of America and pass SB1070. The short bill (17 pages) is patterned after the Constitution, and the states are obligated to uphold the Constitution. That is what is Arizona is doing. The law specifically specifies there cannot be any racial profiling in asking for identification and citizenship status.

Although Obama has ridiculed the bill on moral disapproval, his Department of Justice is suing the State of Arizona and Governor Jan Brewer. Read the Lawsuit it is only 25 pages double spaced.

The administration stresses the lawsuit is about the law and it's legalities, they claim Az is trying to enforce immigration status and that is the the federal government's responsibility and not the states.

All this leaves one to wonder if this is not another campaign ploy to get the Hispanic voters on the side of the Democrats. Polls show over 70% of voters favor SB1070, I do not think there will be enough Hispanic voters turn out at the polls this November to help the Democrats. I live in Lubbock, Texas where Hispanics are the majority, and I have not met one who believes the bill will promote racial profiling. Many of the Hispanics voted for Obama, but shortly thereafter have changed their party affiliation. They do NOT want amnesty for ALL illegals. And the DO approve of SB1070 and say they will be proud to show their identity.

Has the Obama administration overstepped it's bounds by suing Arizona? There are already states and organizations and even an illegal suing. Many scholars believe the lawsuits will not stand up in court, including the DOJ's. Arizona is already strapped financially and they are asking for donations to aid in their defense. Now the Federal Government is suing Az for the same complaints, why add the burden of a Federal lawsuit to the state of Az. Why am I going to pay for a non-American government to sue an American State. That's right you and I will be paying the bill. I will donate gladly for the defense of Arizona, but my tax dollars will be paid very begrudgingly.

Greta van Susteren of Fox News has a great blog out about the DOJ's lawsuit, here is just on excerpt from the lawsuit filed with the court:

"If allowed to go into effect, SB 1070's mandatory enforcement scheme will conflict with and undermine the federal government's careful balance of immigration enforcement priorities and objectives..." (paragraph 4 of the lawsuit)

Greta's response: "If I were representing Arizona, I would want to know who wrote the above. Why should the government's "careful balance of immigration enforcement priorities" give the feds green light to ignore violations of the law? We have laws so we all know where the line is and the Feds can't keep moving the lines. And how can the fed government's objectives be anything but lawful enforcement of the law it has written and passed? If the feds don't want to enforce a law, the feds should abolish the law. Selective enforcement is not right - either enforce the law or get rid of it."

Gov. Brewer's response to the lawsuit filed by the DOJ: "It is wrong that our own federal government is suing the people of Arizona for helping to enforce federal immigration law. As a direct result of failed and inconsistent federal enforcement, Arizona is under attack from violent Mexican drug and immigrant smuggling cartels," she said in a written statement. "Now, Arizona is under attack in federal court from President Obama and his Department of Justice." She also accused the Obama administration of a "massive waste of taxpayer funds."

I believe Obama will do anything he can to get the minority votes. If we have an honest Justice System he will not win this lawsuit on the grounds he filed on. What do you think?
