Friday, January 14, 2011

The Dems Show Of Civility

It is with great despair and anguish, I am writing this article. My heart grieves for all of the victims of the brutal massacre Saturday at a Safeway store in Tuscon, Az. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az) lays at deaths door after suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. 9 year old Christina Green was fatally shot, her young life cut short by a very disturbed person. Five others also perished in the deliberate attack focused on Gabrielle.

As I sit here today I am terribly disturbed by the reactions of some of our citizens and media. I over heard one person (a Republican no doubt) say, "at least it was a Democrat." The media which strongly supports the Democrats are quick to place the blame on Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilly and the whole Tea Party Establishment. I don't understand why they want to blame somebody or a group of people for the dastardly actions of one man, Jarad Loughner. At this point in time the motif is very unclear and to make false accusations is insane...on anyone's part!

I worry that this incident will stop all the Town Halls, the street corner or coffee shop gatherings. Congress members are now looking at the safety of their own lives, this should not be happening in this Country, the Land of the Free. They have mingled with their constituents for years, endured various threats, but now the threats have become a reality to them.

It is obvious the shooter has some very serious mental problems, which seem to have been overlooked. In my opinion a mental problem should not be a reason to commit murder. Evidently this assassin had planned this with the full intention of killing Gabrielle Giffords, the others killed or wounded were unfortunately in the wrong place.

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was quick to pin this shooting on a politically upset citizen. Dupnik said the deadly incident was prompted by anger, hatred, and bigotry in political rhetoric. Shockingly this his slanderous talk against the Conservative talk radio shows, Tea Parties, Sarah Palin etc. came within hours of the bloody massacre in Tucson. Injured were still being transported to hospitals, family members had not been notified and this jerk was making false accusations creating a tidal wave of similar smears coming from the left sided main stream media. On Sunday he continued his smears against gun control, talk show hosts and anyone who doesn't agree with him! It is definitely time for him to shut his mouth and do his job of providing evidence about the real cause of that crime, the maniac murderer Jarod Loughner! How dare this man so blatantly speak out against people and organizations that are trying to restore the Constitutional values our Founding Fathers set forth for us.

We now have members of Congress declaring they will get or already have concealed gun licenses and pack whenever they go out in public. I do not see any reason why a member of Congress should not carry a concealed gun, after all he is also a citizen of this country.  Many members who are against citizens owning guns are already contemplating drastic measures to take our 2nd Amendment away from us.

Terrance Gainer the Senate's sergeant at arms said Tuesday that Congress members don't have the right to carry guns! I thought these men and women who serve our Country have the same Constitutional rights as We The People. I know many of our lawmakers think they are above the law, but in reality they still have the same rights as any other citizen in the US. If the members will feel safer meeting with their constituents if they carry their own weapon I don't think anyone should take that right away from them. I doubt if Gabby was carrying a gun she could have stopped the psycho who in an instant and without any warning changed her life and the lives of so many others. She is an advocate of the 2nd Amendment.

Trent Humphries has become a national target because he is the leader of the Tucson Tea Party! He is getting very real and serious death threats. The "CIVILITY" the democrats are crying for is a complete mockery, these threats are coming from members of their party.

The Blame Game Has Got To Stop!
It is time to take control of the real cause of what this madman did. The problem we need to work on from this tragedy is that of mental health. People are given medications to control their mental disorder and told to go about their life as usual. There is no control over them to ensure they take their medication for theirs and our safety. Un-medicated these people can go off into another world in a matter of seconds. Years ago if you had a mental problem you were banished to the State Mental Asylum until it was proven you could live without being danger to the world.

The weirdo responsible for this tragedy displayed disturbing signs to many people, but nothing was ever done to control his mental afflictions. They signs basically were overlooked by many people he was associated with. It is obvious now that this man acted alone and politics played no role in his decision to attempt to assassinate Gabrielle. This is a case of a pre-meditated assassination attempt and should be treated as such. I don't feel sorry for him. The guy needs to be put out of his misery, and we can do it legally!


  1. I agree the dems are not showing the civility they desire from us. With all the slurs and threats coming from them they need to just shut up and do what they are preaching. The horrible things they are saying about Tea Parties and other conservatives has to stop or we will be in a civil war.

  2. There is no civility in this country. As long as the illegal African American is holding office our country will continue to decline. His goal is to change our way of thinking to his way.

    The civility only goes one way for him and his Liberal followers. If they say it they are being civil, if we say it we are the trouble makers and responsible for the countries problems.

    The tea parties are what will bring this country back to a democracy, not the liberal hypocrites.

  3. I have had the opportunity to attend a few tea parties and am shocked the left wingers have gone as far as they with their hate.
    Sarah Palin has done nothing wrong except to keep the flow of our Constitution working.
    If the libtards want civility, I guess we should do it but...on their terms.

  4. Some freaking nut kills a bunch of people and the blame is put on a political party! The guy has no political ties, acted entirely on his own and probably has no idea of the values of either party. It seems that they can't blame THIS incident on Bush so they decide to blame this on the conservatives.
    I don't know why we have to put a blame on any one. The only person to blame is the shooter and maybe society for not being able to foresee this guy is a real nut!

  5. Unfortunately we tend to ignore mental problems until something drastic has happened. I think instead of blaming someone they should look at the problem of the rising amount of mental illness in this country and do something about it.

  6. What a joke... the libtards want a show of civility! I don't think they know the meaning. If the last week is how they want to show civility, then our nation is in worse shape than I thought it was.

  7. Right-on, MM it really is a joke and the joke is on us conservatives. The big joke is how liberal journalists, pundits and politicians have characterized the Tucson shooting by blaming conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, talk radio hosts and on and on.... The joke is that we fell for their decieve and distract ploy again. We seem to do it every time. They have us spekiong out in defense of those they accuse instead of focusing on the lunatict who pulled the trigger and the real issues that spurred him to violence. These snap-to-judgement accusers are way out of line and are maliciously deliberate in ther allegations. Will we ever learn???

  8. What a shame some people in this country have to blame the right for everything. This incident is definitely not a political issue. The crazy lunatic is the only one to blame, and maybe our society for failing to see the signs coming.


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