Friday, April 23, 2010

Conservative Leaders Oath To Texans

Citizens of this country are very scared and worried about the turn our administration is taking. Mid term elections are rapidly approaching and voters are uncertain about who to vote for.
With all the deceit, distrust and unrest in this Country many people do not know who to trust on the political scene. Irregardless, of how they voted in the past it is the future vote that will bring this Country out of the horrible mess it is in.

There is so much unrest in both parties, voters aren't wanting to believe either side. The Tea Party movement has awoken many people to the dangers of voting strictly a one party ticket. The movement is not trying to split the Republican party and start a new one. Many Republicans and Democrats have behaved in un-Constitutional ways. Unfortunately there are too many of them who have forgotten the oath of office they took when being sworn in as Representatives and Senators:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

Those words are not terribly hard to say, but do they mean it when they take that oath?  Recently it is apparent not many of them do. We have too many members of Congress who have been there for an eternity who think they own this country and what they want is all that matters. To heck with the Constitution, we will do it our way.

The highly Conservative Republican state of Texas has come up with an organization to help fellow Texans maintain and regain their trust. Realizing the great unrest in the citizens, State Senator Dan Patrick has created a whole new concept for state officials. One that I wish could spread through out this Great Country in all levels of government. All parties should adopt the attitude that is spreading like a twister through Texas' Conservative Republican Party. Members in the organization take an oath to uphold 5 core principles. These principles are not new and are well known to We The People, and contain the values in government we believe in.

Our Contract with Texas

"We give our word to stand for conservative principles and to put people before party.

We give our word to be fiscally accountable,limit the size of government,
 and fight for free market principles.
We give our word to protect our borders and to support a strong military.

We give our word to protect life, support strong family values,
and uphold the Judeo-Christian beliefs
our nation was founded upon.

We give our word to defend the Constitution and protect the sovereign rights of Texas."

This is a grass root movement, all but 9 of the Texas State Legislature members and most Republican candidates have taken this oath. The Congressmen and women who do not want to commit to "Our Contract with Texas" may find themselves without a job in the near future.

Let's spread the word and get every other State and the Congress of the United States to establish the same allegiance to the people as the members of ICROT have. Way to go Texas, once again we are leading the way and showing us there is a chance for "Change We Can Believe In."


  1. You say your oath is so great today Arizona passed a law forbidding immigrants from that state. how is that a good law?

  2. Good stuff you Texans!! Now lets see if they are true to their word. Politicians are good at making promises but some are not very good at keeping them.

    Note for the person who bravely, anonymously left the unrelated comment #1......We here in AZ are only outlawing ILLEGAL ones are quite welcome.

  3. The article was very good, but the anon... nut must have about a second grade education. I agree with you Laurence people aren't fighting legal immigrants but fighting to keep our country from being taken over by a bunch of illegals (in my opinion including the one in the WH).

  4. Laurence made a good point they are all good at making campaign promises and not keeping them.
    Maybe this will be a beginning to the new Conservative Republican Party Deanie wrote about. Heaven knows we need some leaders we can believe in.

  5. This might be a good idea for now to have the Republicans become Independent Conservatives and get us out of this mess. That may give us time to prepare for a third party. Maybe the Ind Cons Repubs will branch away from the Republican Party.

  6. What makes you think just cause they sign an oath they will live up to it? There's just one party and they don't need to take oaths. They take care of business for the betterment of this country.

  7. Mad Sally's RoommateApril 26, 2010 at 6:49 AM

    Maybe this is what our country needs is a group of people ready to take an oath to serve the people and the constitution. We haven't had that in a long time.

    Annette, you sound just like me when I first started coming to this site. You will learn that this administration is doing us no good.

  8. The direction this group is taking can only be for the better. I think it is a great idea. I will be forwarding this on to our state congress. We are seeing a reformation in the Repub. party.

  9. It is too bad, we don't have more elected officials who feel this way on all party sides. The elected officials should be working for the people and upholding our Constitution. We have seen in the past years the oath of office taken by our Congressmen/women are just words spoken with no value to them. Let's change this in Nov.

  10. Sounds like a good idea to me. I wonder if they will keep their "oath" once they become elected? Politicians are noted for not keeping their word. To me politicians and stockyards have the same thing in common, they're both full of it.

  11. I don't think that many of the other states will follow, not unless there is a complete new Congress voted in. Most already in office would not take an oath like the Texans.

  12. WELL SAID RFA Patriots, WELL SAID! I love the concept,... But...I take issue with the last line of the second paragraph of your article which I cite here. Quote: Unfortunately there are too many of them (Democrats and Republicans) who have forgotten the oath of office they took when being sworn in as Representatives and Senators. Unquote. Let me explain.
    The Constitution requires that all elected officials and most federal employees, including military personnel, take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution. This is what Article VI, Clause 3, of the Constitution has to say about the oath of office.
    "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no relegious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
    At the start of each new U.S.Congress, in January of every odd-numbered year, those newly elected or re-elected Congressmen - the entire
    House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate must recite an oath. (You might note that Czars and White Housde visitors are not required to make such an oath) (hmmm, intersting isn't it?) There are two points that I am trying to make here. 1.) an oath of office is never to be made lightly and it is an oath (barring total memory loss) that can never be forgotten; and, 2.) the Constitution has made provisions for those with short term memory loss (straying afar from their commitment) by requiring Congressional members of both Houses to recite their oath (or affirmation) at regular intervals.
    It is my strong belief that men of principal will do their very utmost to honor the oath they have made while other men who are not so inclined may abdicate their oath, but not their office, in favor of a different agenda or their career.
    All this being said gives cause to wonder if an additional oath , contract or promise will bind an elected official closer to their sworn obligation, or, might aanother oath be just more hollow words spoken with never the intent to satisfy. I wonder, is another oath necessary of even desireable?
    Oath taking dates back to the First Congress but it's current form was adopted in the 1860s following the end of the Civil War. Generally, an oath of office is pretty short and straightforward and may be administered by some official or dignitary, depending on the office.
    For the President of the United States:
    "I do solomnly swear (or affirm) that I will execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of United States". (Note: Lots and lots of wiggle room here BUT neither the Constitution nor the oath of office authorizes OR permits the President to fundamentally change the United States of America. This is a right and responsibility reserved for the People and so authorized by the Constitution.)

    For Congress, the oath of office is a little more comprehensive:
    "I do solomnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; (now isn't that interesting) and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."
    "This oath is also taken by the Vice President, members of the Cabinet and all other civil and military officers and federal employees other than the President."
    Much of this information was taken from online sources including Encyclopedia and

  13. Tea-ed Texan, thank you for the information. Definitely well researched and stated. I look forward in the future to hearing from you. I guess I better do a little more research myself.


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